Canadian Co-Op Caper

Back again…. To much going on to blog at the mo, so please bear with me. If I could I’d be doing this as the full time job, you know that.

Plus side for you lot is that we have a new roving reporter living and trucking from Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. When life in Suffolk, England gets to non-plus and you and the family want I new challenge, then the wonder of being a mother trucker, means you can apply your skill set pretty well anywhere in the world. So in this case, the destination of choice was Canada. A few months waiting for permits and visas and then off they went, off to a new life in mid-Canada just north of the US border

Not everyone’s cup of tea I’m sure, but driving a fuel tanker has lots of benefits, not to mention the danger money! The Super B tankers operated by the Canadian Co-Op Foundation can carry 62,500 litres of diesel or 71,000 gas/ethanol. The two trailer combinations are about 120 foot from the front of the tractor to the rear of the trailer combination called a super B. The job entails delivering fuel to mostly all commercial delivery points, along with a few farms. For now he will be based in Regina xn the relatively local areas (by local you can still clock up 1100km in a days work), until further exams are passed and then the trips will get longer, opening up the whole of western Canada up to Alaska.

For now a day cab Mack Anthem is the daily steed, with the hope of a bigger sleeper as and when the longer trips become the norm. To be fair the sleeper on these trucks are huge compared to the previous European sleepers, so I’m sure he will cope when the time comes. This is just a taster and hopefully it will become a regular update rather than a one or two off!! Thanks AS and family.